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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

EHI 9th Annual Conference Scheduled Topics and Events

The EHI 9th Annual Conference, ‘Always Going Home’: Human Evolution and Digital Revolution will take place November 12, 2016 at AgeSong University in San Francisco.

This year's conference will be a dynamic, interactive group discussion hosted by EHI's Nader Shabahangi, PhD, Kirk Schneider, PhD, Sonja Saltman, MA, MFT, Orah Krug, PhD, Mary Madrigal, PhD, Troy Piwowarski, PsyD, and Suzan Bollich, PhD.

Erv Polster 2016 Keynote Presenter

Conference Topics

  • Nader Shabahangi, PhD:
    What makes us human beings feel alive, content, loved? If it is connection (to oneself, one another), what is this ‘connection’, what is it made of, how does it smell and feel? Does this need for connection to feel alive, happy, loved get satisfied digitally? Humanly? Both?
  • Kirk Schneider, PhD:
    How to cultivate a sense of awe as both a counterpoint to and complement of high tech. Highlighting some points from a book I'm working on tentative title of the book is "The Spirituality of Awe: Challenges to the Robotic Revolution."
  • Sonja Saltman, MA, MFT:
    How we use technology in creative and innovative ways.
  • Mary Madrigal, PhD:
    Exploring the breakdown of and in the human relationship as it relates to the use of technology over conversation and how the use of technology offers a false sense of relationship and knowing a person via social media.
  • Troy Piwowarski, PsyD:
    The specific ways people reconcile the increasing speed associated with the digital age (faster communications, faster ways of getting products, etc.) with the intention of going slower when it comes to our interpersonal work as existential therapists and relational beings.

Cocktail Party and Book Signing to follow conference. Join us from 5pm-6:30pm for book signings, libations and nibbles!

These EHI authors will be on hand to sign their books!
  • Dr Orah Krug & Dr Kirk Schneider will be signing the recently published Supervision Essentials of Existential-Humanistic Therapy.
  • Dr Mary Madrigal will be signing her recent books Enough: You are Enough and Spirit of the Female Warrior.
  • Dr Kirk J Schneider will be signing his latest book, The Polarized Mind, and Awakening to Awe.
  • Dr Nader Shabahangi will be signing his recent book Ambiguity of Suffering, and Elders Today, Deeper into the Soul, and Encounters of the Real Kind.
*There will be copies of the above books available.

EHI 9: " 'Always Going Home': Human Evolution and the Digital Revolution"

Exploring the Intersection of the Digital Age and the E-H Therapeutic Perspective

November 12th, 2016
Saturday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Cocktail Party & Book Signing: 5:00pm - 6:30pm


AgeSong University
350 University Street
San Francisco, CA 94102


Professionals: $100
Students: $50
Find out More and Register Online >> 

Contact EHI's Conference Chair, Dr Mary Madrigal at

EHI is Honored to Have Erv Polster, PhD Present the Keynote at Upcoming Conference on Nov 12th

EHI Proudly Welcomes

Erving Polster, Phd
Opening Keynote Speaker EHI:9 2016

Erving Polster, PhD, master therapist and presenter, author of Gestalt Therapy Integrated, Every Person’s Life is Worth a Novel and From the Radical Center: The Heart of Gestalt Therapy, director of the Gestalt Training Center San Diego, has recently published his book Beyond Therapy: Igniting Life Focus Community Movements. He will be opening our Conference with a discussion via Skype. We are thus combining both the Human interaction with the benefit of the Digital Revolution. Erv is not able to travel but we will have his presence via a digital method that allows us to witness and participate in our topic: " 'Always Going Home': Human Evolution and Digital Revolution.'
"The paradox is that, while a concern with past and future is obviously central to psychological functioning, to behave as though one were indeed in the past or future, as many do, pollutes the lively possibilities of existence.”
― Erving Polster, PhD, Gestalt Therapy Integrated: Contours of Theory & Practice