Print the new EHI:7 Info Brochure & Quick Mail-in Registration Form
We just sent out an EHI email update with the latest info from the new EHI:7 Conference Brochure. You can download and print the EHI:7 Brochure here[pdf] and you can view this EHI email update online here.
EHI:7 Conference Theme
Befriending Anxiety and Worry:
Finding Strength and Meaning in Everyday Living
“Finding the center of strength within ourselves is in the long
run the best contribution we can make to our fellow men. ...
One person with indigenous inner strength exercises a great
calming effect on panic among people around him. It is is what
our society needs — not new ideas and inventions; important
as these are, and not geniuses and supermen, but persons who
can “be”, that is, persons who have a center of strength within
~ Rollo May, Man’s Search For Himself
Speaker Proposals Now Being Accepted
We welcome proposals that address this theme from a variety of perspectives with preference for experiential workshops that combine a didactics with ‘felt experiencing’ or other modalities that move us beyond the abstract and talking ‘about’ things.
About EHI:7
Celebrating EHI’s 7TH annual conference, EHI:7 will focus on the introduction and deepening understanding of the theory and practice of existential-humanistic psychotherapy.
Learn the basic assumptions underlying existential-humanistic (E-H) psychotherapy, therapeutic interventions as illuminated through “live” work with active cases, demonstrations, and engaging presentations. Also explore how to effectively work in the “here and now” with yourself, your client, and in the relation between the two. Stretch the principles of E-H beyond psychotherapy into other realms of human experience and psychological work. EHI:7 will be held in San Francisco, at AgeSong Elder Care in centrally-located Hayes Valley neighborhood. The planned schedule will include high level keynote speakers and workshops. EHI:6 hosted over 5 keynote speakers and 6 breakout sessions.
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Earn Continuing Education Units (CEU)
CEU is available to RN, RCFE , and BBS (MFTs/LCSWs).Visit EHI's website online
Existential Humanistic Institute
2-Day Conference
November 15/16, 2013
AgeSong Institute
624 Laguna Street,
San Francisco, CA 94102
2-Day Conference
November 15/16, 2013
AgeSong Institute
624 Laguna Street,
San Francisco, CA 94102
The Registration Fee covers attendance to keynote and breakout sessions, coffee breaks and a special evening reception. The Professional rate is $250, student rate is $150 and Presenter rate is $150. There is also a 1-Day attendee fee option: 1-Day attendance rate for Professional level is $150, the 1-Day student rate is $75.
Register here for EHI:7 today!