JoAnn Loo is a recent graduate of EHI's Certification in the Foundations of Existential-Humanistic Practice, she shares her journey in a new series of blog posts.
In 2012 JoAnn Loo made the decision to expand her Existential-Humanistic studies and moved from Malaysia to San Francisco to became a student at Existential-Humanistic Institute in the Foundations of E-H Practice. She has recently graduated, moved back to Malaysia and she shares her personal existential journey in an ongoing series of posts on the Saybrook NewExistentists blog entitled "The Courage to Seek." This series is an authentic look into an individual's existential-humanistic professional journey."The Courage to Seek" posts by Joann Loo are available at the New Existentialists for you to explore , the first post includes intro by Mark Yang the Co-Director of the International Psychology Certificate Program at Saybrook University.