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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

JVLP releases Charter and List of Programs Including Politics of Trust Network

The Politics of Trust Network , the primary intiative of the John Vasconcellos Legacy Project, is actively building a coalition of concerned Californians to repair what is perceived by many as a broken political system, a divisive, partisan political system that is not meeting the needs of the people of California.  Working towards a politics that is more inclusive, The John Vasconcellos Legacy Project has released a Charter that includes commitments to upcoming programs that support "a politics that is welcoming and inspiring, a politics of trust." View the JVLP Charter and list of programs here.

To see some of the historical events that informed the creation of the "The Politics of Trust Network" check out this recent article. Recognizing patterns in history the JVLP has put together an intriguing article entitled "31 Developments Propelling Us Toward A Politics of Trust".
Download the "31 Developments.."article here.