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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Recently Bob Edelstein writes on "We are No-thing"

Bob Edelstein on his blog Authentic Engagement has a recent article entitled "We are No-thing -From no-thing-ness I discover my unique existential identity" in which he suggests an alternate paradigm to "being a somebody or something" in our culture.

"Crisis often mobilizes us to experience the transitory nature of life and our no-thing-ness. Acknowledging that we are no-thing goes against the cultural paradigm that all we are is some-thing. One must come from the space of one’s no-thing in order to be authentically some-thing." Read the full article

Bob Edelstein, L.M.F.T., M.F.T., is an Existential-Humanistic psychotherapist based in Portland, Oregon. In addition to being a therapist for over 36 years, he also provides consultation, supervision, and training for professionals, including a one-day workshop entitled Deepen Your Therapeutic Work Using an Existential-Humanistic Perspective. Bob is a founding member of the Existential-Humanistic Northwest Professional Organization and the Association for Humanistic Psychology - Oregon Community. He is a board member of the San Francisco based Existential-Humanistic Institute.