Presented by: Dr. Lisa Firestone, author and clinical psychologist
Webinar | The Self Under Siege: A New Model of Differentiation
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - 4pm to 5:30pm PST
Register and view program at any time (it will be recorded)
3 CE Credits- $35 includes recording, PowerPoint and two chapters.
Differentiation refers to the struggle people face in striving to develop a sense of themselves as autonomous individuals. A fundamental question to have clients consider is: are they living based on the things that really light them up and give meaning to their lives, or are they living based on prescriptions from their past? Are they living according their own values and principles or according to the values and standards of others or society? A person's identity is continually affected by interpersonal experiences that are either favorable or damaging to the development of his or her personality. In order for people to fulfill their destiny, they must free themselves from destructive influences. When someone is able to develop and sustain aspects of their unique identity, they're able to live truly individualistic lives. This Webinar teaches an innovative approach to differentiation, a four-step process developed by Robert Firestone, PhD :
- Breaking with internalized thought processes, critical attitudes toward self & others.
- Altering the negative personality traits in oneself that represent an incorporation of aversive traits of one’s parents
- Identifying/relinquishing patterns of defense formed as an adaptation to painful events in childhood.
- Developing one’s own values, ideals & beliefs.
Learn more or register here -
PyschAlive Events | The Self Under Siege: a New Model of Differentiation
A recording will be sent to all paid registrants.
CEs are offered to professionals through PsychoEducational Resources, Inc. (PER).
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