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Friday, May 10, 2013

Featured Book | Conversations with Ed
Waiting for Forgetfulness: Why are we so Afraid of Alzheimer's Disease

Book Cover for Conversations with Ed - Waiting for Forgetfulness: Why are we so Afraid of Alzheimer's Disease

Conversations with Ed
Waiting for Forgetfulness: Why are we so Afraid of Alzheimer's Disease

by Ed Voris, Nader Shabahangi, and Patrick Fox, in collaboration with Sharon Mercer
Elders Academy Press, 2009

How can we not be afraid of Alzheimer's Disease? How can we not dread aging? by posing these questions we are invited alternate ways of seeing Alzheimer's disease as well as aging. In so doing we do not want to minimize the suffering that people may experience watching a loved one become forgetful. Nor do we want to minimize that becoming forgetful and growing old can be pain processes. Rather, Conversations with Ed wants to create a positive cultural space for people with dementia, for those who accompany them on their journey and for those who fear being afflicted with it.

Read more aboutConversations with Ed and the authors Ed Voris, Nader Shabahangi, and Patrick Fox in this article, "Consensus Smiles" by Dr. Sally Gelardin posted in the "We are AgeSong" May 2013 AgeSong Communities Newsletter.[PDF] In this featured article Dr. Gelardin talks about Conversations With Ed, her meeting Ed Voris, and some backstory about how Ed Voris and Nadar Shabahangi met and how Conversations with Ed evolved. Dr Sally Gelardin is current Enrichment Director at AgeSong Elder & Assisted Living Communities and Editor of

Conversations With Ed and all Elders Academy Press books are currently available 4 for the price of 3 during our Celebrate Eldership!book offer.

This book and all Elders Academy Press books are currently available 4 for the price of 3 during our Celebrate Eldership! book offer.

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Conversations With Ed, hardcover edition $19.95*, plus shipping & handling

Conversations With Ed, softcover edition $13.95*, plus shipping & handling
*During the Celebrate Eldership! book offer the price is 25% off if purchased with 3 other books from Elders Academy Press!

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[Reprinted with permission from AgeSongToday 04/19/2013 by agesong]