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As noted by Elizabeth Bugental, it is a pretty good bet that our old age will last at least as long as our adolescence. While most of us didn't plan out our life path during adolescence, if we are lucky we might have an opportunity to do so in old age. The question is do we have the courage to examine our fears, desires and motives and determine how we would like to live the last decades of our life.
Through partnerships with writers such as Elizabeth Bugental and Gloria Steinem, Elders Academy Press seeks to encourage us to approach the process of aging with consciousness and to direct our thinking toward the possibilities ahead.
To celebrate the possibilities ahead Elders Academy Press is delighted to offer readers a Celebrate Eldership coupon to enjoy four books for the price of only three.
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Explore and share the thought-provoking and empowering selection of books from Elders Academy Press that help in shifting the mainstream idea of aging as decline to aging as eldership, opportunity and maturity. Browse works like these by authors Elizabeth Bugental, Gloria Steinem, Nadar Shabahangi, Richard Wiseman and more here at Elders Academy Press.
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