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Friday, April 26, 2013

Bob Edelstein Interview Series Pt. 3: Goals of Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy

Bob Edelstein Discusses Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy Part 3 of 5

In "Goals of Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy", the third part of this E-H Psychotherapy interview series, Bob Edelstein answers the following questions: How is authenticity a goal of Existential Humanistic psychotherapy? A second goal of this form of psychotherapy is actualization. What is meant by this and how is atualization achieved? What kinds of questions are addressed by a person on the quest to discover what their authentic meaning is? What are the differences in the search for meaning between a twenty-something and a sixty something?

Part 3: Goals of Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy (5:14) Askimo TV

Related Posts:
Bob Edelstein's: The Role of the Therapist in Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy, Part 2 in a 5 part Series on Existential-Humanistic Pyschotherapy.
Bob Edelstein's: Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy, Part 1 in a 5 part Series on Existential-Humanistic Pyschotherapy.

Bob Edelstein, L.M.F.T., M.F.T., is an Existential-Humanistic psychotherapist based in Portland, Oregon. In addition to being a therapist for over 36 years, he also provides consultation, supervision, and training for professionals, including a one-day workshop entitled Deepen Your Therapeutic Work Using an Existential-Humanistic Perspective. Bob is a founding member of the Existential-Humanistic Northwest Professional Organization and the Association for Humanistic Psychology - Oregon Community. He is a board member of the San Francisco based Existential-Humanistic Institute. Read more from Bob on his blog, Authentic Engagement.

Friday, April 19, 2013

FEATURED BOOK | Deeper into the Soul: Beyond Dementia and Alzheimer's Towards Forgetfulness Care by Nader R Shabahangi, Ph.D. & Bogna Szymkiewicz, Ph.D.

Book Cover for Deeper into the Soul: Beyond Dementia and Alzheimer's Towards Forgetfulness Care by Nader Robert Shabahangi, Ph.D. & Bogna Szymkiewicz, Ph.D.

Deeper into the Soul: Beyond Dementia and Alzheimer's Towards Forgetfulness Care
by Nader Robert Shabahangi, Ph.D. & Bogna Szymkiewicz, Ph.D.
Elders Academy Press, 2008

This book is a practical guide for people who work and live with relatives or residents with symptoms of forgetfulness.

In Deeper into the Soul: Beyond Dementia and Alzheimer's Toward Forgetfulness Care, the authors invite us to shift our attitude toward dementia, or Forgetfulness, as they call it. Accompanying us are four characters—a sage, a psychologist, a physician, and an intern—who each sees Forgetfulness from a different viewpoint. The goal is to develop a perspective which includes the basic ingredients of openness, curiosity and acceptance.

Deeper into the Soul reminds us that each stage of forgetfulness is a meaningful part of the life journey, during which people experience important emotional and spiritual experiences. The authors remind us that with each effort to understand others, we expand our view of the world.

Read more about Deeper into the Soul and authors Nader Robert Shabahangi and Bogna Szymkiewicz here.

This book and all Elders Academy Press books are currently available 4 for the price of 3 during our Celebrate Eldership! book offer.

Buy 3 and get 4th book FREE!

Enter this coupon code: ELDERSHIP2013 during checkout at the Pacific Institute online store or place your order by fax 415-431-1012 or by phone 415-861-3455.

Outside of the United States? please phone 001-415-861-3455 ext. 3 or fax 001-415-431-1012 or email

Deeper into the Soul, hardcover edition $19.95*, plus shipping & handling

Deeper into the Soul, softcover edition $13.95*, plus shipping & handling *During the Celebrate Eldership! book offer the price is 25% off if purchased with 3 other books from Elders Academy Press!

Related posts:

Featured Book: Doing Sixty and Seventy by Gloria Steinem

Featured Book: AgeSong: Meditations for Our Later Years by Elizabeth Bugental, PhD

Featured Book: Encounters of the Real Kind edited by Nader R Shabahangi, PhD

Celebrate Eldership! with Elders Academy Press Book Offer: Buy 3 get 4th book free

[Reprinted with permission from AgeSongToday 04/19/2013 by agesong]

FEATURED BOOK | Doing Sixty and Seventy by Gloria Steinem

Book Cover for Doing Sixty and Seventy by Gloria Steinem

Doing Sixty and Seventy
by Gloria Steinem
Elders Academy Press, 2006

Gloria Steinem became a spokesperson for issues about aging quite accidentally after declaring to a reporter on the occasion of her fortieth birthday, "This is what forty looks like. We've been lying for so long, who would know?" Because of this casual comment about her age and about the collective societal pressure to lie about our age she received an avalanche of thanks and support from other women facing age discrimination. This caused her to realize the far reaching dimensions of age oppression.

In her inspiring essay, Doing Sixty and Seventy, Steinem shares her views on age stereotyping, the unexpected liberation that comes with growing older, and defines what she perceives as the fact that women become more radical as they age. The essay also sheds light on the forces that shaped her life and for readers who have only heard bits and pieces about her the essay offers a primer on her bold and logical theories.

Elders Academy Press is proud to publish Ms. Steinem's enlightening and thought-provoking essay — thus allowing it to appear for the first time as an independent volume.

Read more about Doing Sixty and Seventy and author Gloria Steinem here.

This book and all Elders Academy Press books are currently available 4 for the price of 3 during our Celebrate Eldership! book offer.

Buy 3 and get 4th book FREE! enter this coupon code: ELDERSHIP2013 during checkout at the Pacific Institute online store or place your order by fax 415-431-1012 or by phone 415-861-3455.

Outside of the United States? please phone 001-415-861-3455 ext. 3 or fax 001-415-431-1012 or email

Doing Sixty and Seventy, hardcover edition $19.95*, plus shipping & handling

Doing Sixty and Seventy, softcover edition $13.95*, plus shipping & handling

*During the Celebrate Eldership! book offer the price is 25% off if purchased with 3 other books from Elders Academy Press!

Related posts:

Featured Book: AgeSong: Meditations for Our Later Years by Elizabeth Bugental, PhD

Featured Book: Encounters of the Real Kind edited by Nader R Shabahangi, PhD

Celebrate Eldership! with Elders Academy Press Book Offer: Buy 3 get 4th book free

[Reprinted with permission from:AgeSongToday 04/19/2013 by agesong]

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bob Edelstein Interview Series Part 2: The Role of the Therapist in Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy

Bob Edelstein Discusses Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy Part 2 

In this second part to the interview series "The Role of the Therapist in Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy" Bob Edelstein answers the following questions: How is the therapy from an Existential-Humanistic Perspective conducted? Must therapy only be carried out individually or can groups also participate in a successful therapy session? What role does the therapist himself play in this form of therapy and is it different from other forms of psychotherapy? As an Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapist, what is your ultimate goal that is common throughout all of your patients that you wish to see?

Part 2: The Role of the Therapist in Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy (4:56) Askimo TV

Related Post: Bob Edelstein's: Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy, Part 1 of 5 in a 5 part Series on Existential-Humanistic Pyschotherapy

Bob Edelstein, L.M.F.T., M.F.T., is an Existential-Humanistic psychotherapist based in Portland, Oregon. In addition to being a therapist for over 36 years, he also provides consultation, supervision, and training for professionals, including a one-day workshop entitled Deepen Your Therapeutic Work Using an Existential-Humanistic Perspective. Bob is a founding member of the Existential-Humanistic Northwest Professional Organization and the Association for Humanistic Psychology - Oregon Community. He is a board member of the San Francisco based Existential-Humanistic Institute. Read more from Bob on his blog, Authentic Engagement.

Friday, April 12, 2013

FEATURED BOOK | AgeSong: Meditations for Our Later Years by Elizabeth Bugental, PhD

AgeSong: Meditations for Our Later Years

AgeSong: Meditations for Our Later Years

Elizabeth Bugental, PhD.
Elders Academy Press, 2005


Growing old is not an option. But how we age is a choice. At least we like to think so. AgeSong gives us a pleasurable nudge and a little inspiration to take charge of our aging. None of us knows how many years this final life-phase will last, but it's a pretty good bet that it will last at least as long as our adolescence.

AgeSong can be taken in small doses to direct our thinking toward the possibilities ahead of us rather than the life we've left behind. It offers us a look into a world that, for many of us, has always been available, but which we may not have had the physical or mental luxury of enjoying. It provides us a simple, yet profound, breathing space to take in the richness within our reach that could fill our last days with wonder and gratitude.

Read more about AgeSong and author Elizabeth Bugental here.

This book and all Elders Academy Press books are currently available 4 for the price of 3 during our Celebrate Eldership! book offer.

Buy 3 and get 4th book FREE! enter this coupon code: ELDERSHIP2013 during checkout at the Pacific Institute online store or place your order by fax 415-431-1012 or by phone 415-861-3455.

Outside of the United States? please phone 001-415-861-3455 ext. 3 or fax 001-415-431-1012 or email

AgeSong: Meditations for Our Later Years - $20.00*, plus shipping & handling *During the Celebrate Eldership! book offer the price is 25% off if purchased with 3 other books from Elders Academy Press!

Related posts:

Featured Book: Encounters of the Real Kind edited by Nader R Shabahangi, PhD

Celebrate Eldership! with Elders Academy Press Book Offer: Buy 3 get 4th book free

[Reprinted with permission from:AgeSongToday 04/11/2013 by agesong]

FEATURED BOOK | "Encounters of the Real Kind" edited by Nader R. Shabahangi, PhD

Encounters of the Real Kind book cover

Encounters of the Real Kind: Musings, poetry, stories about elders, forgetfulness and life - Book One

Edited by Nader R. Shabahangi, Ph.D.
Elders Academy Press, 2012


The AgeSong Institute Gero-Wellness training emphasizes that we need to ‘see’ and care for the whole human being. It teaches that symptoms are meaningful and important signals for a deeper understanding of each person, that these symptoms need to be met with curiosity and respect, with an attitude of wonder and love.

This is not an easy journey. Interns face the complexity of the question of human identity and the fear and anxiety of disability and dying. They begin to understand the difference between being-with and doing-to and learn the art of unfolding a person’s process. They experience the many forms of forgetfulness and states of awareness, the many ways of communication, verbal and non-verbal. They begin to appreciate the quality and subjective nature of time, of slowing down, of being present and of listening deeply. They learn to establish a trusting relationship and experience the richness and challenge of hospice work. They learn about mindfulness, about focused attention, building community, and the meaning of isolation and loneliness. They learn to be with coma, trauma, and the many other forms and meanings of dependencies. They learn about the finitude of life, about what really matters – to them and others. Interns begin to grasp the difference between information and knowledge, between knowledge and wisdom.

Hearing an elder speak about life, sitting quietly next to a forgetful elder holding hands, walking slowly with an elder noticing one’s breath, the breeze on one’s face - these are encounters of the real kind. They present us with an inkling of the dimension of the human soul and spirit. These encounters change your life.

Read more about Encounters of the Real Kind and author Nader Shabahangi here.

This book and all Elders Academy Press books are currently available 4 for the price of 3 during our Celebrate Eldership! book offer.

Buy 3 and get 4th book FREE! enter this coupon code: ELDERSHIP2013 during checkout at the Pacific Institute online store or place your order by fax 415-431-1012 or by phone 415-861-3455.

Outside of the United States? please phone 001-415-861-3455 ext. 3 or fax 001-415-431-1012 or email

Encounters of the Real Kind - $20.00*, plus shipping & handling *During the Celebrate Eldership! book offer the price is 25% off if purchased with 3 other books from Elders Academy Press!

Related posts:

Featured Book: AgeSong: Meditations for Our Later Years by Elizabeth Bugental, PhD

Celebrate Eldership! with Elders Academy Press Book Offer: Buy 3 get 4th book free

[Reprinted with permission from:AgeSongToday 04/11/2013 by agesong]

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bob Edelstein's Interview Series on Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy, Part 1 of 5

Bob Edelstein Discusses Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy Part 1 

We continue the Series What is the meaning of Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy? What are some of the universal themes of existence that are explored in this field? What changes or enhancements to a person’s life are expected to come as a result of adopting an Existential Humanistic Approach? All of these questions will be answered by: Bob Edelstein - Existential-Humanistic psychotherapist who specializes in personal growth, life transitions, relationships, chemical dependency, anxiety and depression.

View Part 1: Bob Edelstein - Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy (4:15) Askimo TV

Bob Edelstein, L.M.F.T., M.F.T., is an Existential-Humanistic psychotherapist based in Portland, Oregon. In addition to being a therapist for over 36 years, he also provides consultation, supervision, and training for professionals, including a one-day workshop entitled Deepen Your Therapeutic Work Using an Existential-Humanistic Perspective. Bob is a founding member of the Existential-Humanistic Northwest Professional Organization and the Association for Humanistic Psychology - Oregon Community. He is a board member of the San Francisco based Existential-Humanistic Institute. Read more from Bob on his blog, Authentic Engagement.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Orah Krug: Lessons From an Existential-Humanistic Training Program

Orah Krug Presents a Talk at DIV32 About Directing the Certificate Programs in Existential Humanistic Practice at the Existential-Humanistic Institute

Orah Krug presents "Lessons From an Existential-Humanistic Training Program"  during the DIV32 Conference of the American Psychological Association held February 28 to March 3, 2013, about directing the Certificate Program in Existential-Humanistic Therapy, the history of the program and lessons learned along the way that inform the current focus of the program. Hear student voices about their experiences in the program and how the students' experiences and feedback have contributed to growth of the program.

The Renewal of Humanism: Lessons from an Existential-Humanistic Training Program - PDF 
Orah Krug, DIV32 6th Annual APA Conference: Spring, 2013

Orah T. Krug, Ph.D., is a licensed psychotherapist with a private practice in Oakland, and Sausalito, CA. She is a faculty member of Saybrook University, an editor for the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, and the clinical training director of the Existential-Humanistic Institute of San Francisco. EHI has two certificate programs, one in partnership with Saybrook University that offers a Certificate in the Foundations of Existential-Humanistic Practice. (Information about the certificate programs is at: Certificate in the Foundations of E-H Practice.) Most recently, Dr. Krug co-authored a textbook with Dr. Kirk Schneider entitled, Existential-Humanistic Therapy, part of a monograph series for the American Psychological Association. She has produced two videos entitled, Conversations with Jim and "Joe" A Demonstration of the Consultation Process, with James Bugental. Her current research focuses on the relationship between existential meaning-making processes and therapeutic change.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Celebrate Eldership! with Elders Academy Press Book Offer

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Buy 3 get your 4th book free*

Elders Academy Press seeks to change our view of aging from an undesirable process to an understanding of aging as important for our continued maturation in becoming elders. The Press thus seeks to encourage people to approach aging with appreciation and awareness so we might give back as elders to the generations that follow us.

As noted by Elizabeth Bugental, it is a pretty good bet that our old age will last at least as long as our adolescence. While most of us didn't plan out our life path during adolescence, if we are lucky we might have an opportunity to do so in old age. The question is do we have the courage to examine our fears, desires and motives and determine how we would like to live the last decades of our life.

Through partnerships with writers such as Elizabeth Bugental and Gloria Steinem, Elders Academy Press seeks to encourage us to approach the process of aging with consciousness and to direct our thinking toward the possibilities ahead.

To celebrate the possibilities ahead Elders Academy Press is delighted to offer readers a Celebrate Eldership coupon to enjoy four books for the price of only three.

Celebrate Eldership online coupon code:  ELDERSHIP2013

Explore and share the thought-provoking and empowering selection of books from Elders Academy Press that help in shifting the mainstream idea of aging as decline to aging as eldership, opportunity and maturity. Browse works like these by authors  Elizabeth Bugental, Gloria Steinem, Nadar Shabahangi, Richard Wiseman and more here at Elders Academy Press.

Redeem your coupon during checkout at the Elders Academy Press online store.

*Buy four or more books and receive 25% of the regular price of each.

Browse the selection of books from Elders Academy Press.