Deeper into the Soul: Beyond Dementia and Alzheimer's Towards Forgetfulness Care
by Nader Robert Shabahangi, Ph.D. & Bogna Szymkiewicz, Ph.D.
Elders Academy Press, 2008
This book is a practical guide for people who work and live with relatives or residents with symptoms of forgetfulness.
In Deeper into the Soul: Beyond Dementia and Alzheimer's Toward Forgetfulness Care, the authors invite us to shift our attitude toward dementia, or Forgetfulness, as they call it. Accompanying us are four characters—a sage, a psychologist, a physician, and an intern—who each sees Forgetfulness from a different viewpoint. The goal is to develop a perspective which includes the basic ingredients of openness, curiosity and acceptance.
Deeper into the Soul reminds us that each stage of forgetfulness is a meaningful part of the life journey, during which people experience important emotional and spiritual experiences. The authors remind us that with each effort to understand others, we expand our view of the world.
Read more about Deeper into the Soul and authors Nader Robert Shabahangi and Bogna Szymkiewicz here.
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