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Friday, April 12, 2013

FEATURED BOOK | "Encounters of the Real Kind" edited by Nader R. Shabahangi, PhD

Encounters of the Real Kind book cover

Encounters of the Real Kind: Musings, poetry, stories about elders, forgetfulness and life - Book One

Edited by Nader R. Shabahangi, Ph.D.
Elders Academy Press, 2012


The AgeSong Institute Gero-Wellness training emphasizes that we need to ‘see’ and care for the whole human being. It teaches that symptoms are meaningful and important signals for a deeper understanding of each person, that these symptoms need to be met with curiosity and respect, with an attitude of wonder and love.

This is not an easy journey. Interns face the complexity of the question of human identity and the fear and anxiety of disability and dying. They begin to understand the difference between being-with and doing-to and learn the art of unfolding a person’s process. They experience the many forms of forgetfulness and states of awareness, the many ways of communication, verbal and non-verbal. They begin to appreciate the quality and subjective nature of time, of slowing down, of being present and of listening deeply. They learn to establish a trusting relationship and experience the richness and challenge of hospice work. They learn about mindfulness, about focused attention, building community, and the meaning of isolation and loneliness. They learn to be with coma, trauma, and the many other forms and meanings of dependencies. They learn about the finitude of life, about what really matters – to them and others. Interns begin to grasp the difference between information and knowledge, between knowledge and wisdom.

Hearing an elder speak about life, sitting quietly next to a forgetful elder holding hands, walking slowly with an elder noticing one’s breath, the breeze on one’s face - these are encounters of the real kind. They present us with an inkling of the dimension of the human soul and spirit. These encounters change your life.

Read more about Encounters of the Real Kind and author Nader Shabahangi here.

This book and all Elders Academy Press books are currently available 4 for the price of 3 during our Celebrate Eldership! book offer.

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Encounters of the Real Kind - $20.00*, plus shipping & handling *During the Celebrate Eldership! book offer the price is 25% off if purchased with 3 other books from Elders Academy Press!

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[Reprinted with permission from:AgeSongToday 04/11/2013 by agesong]