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Friday, April 19, 2013

FEATURED BOOK | Doing Sixty and Seventy by Gloria Steinem

Book Cover for Doing Sixty and Seventy by Gloria Steinem

Doing Sixty and Seventy
by Gloria Steinem
Elders Academy Press, 2006

Gloria Steinem became a spokesperson for issues about aging quite accidentally after declaring to a reporter on the occasion of her fortieth birthday, "This is what forty looks like. We've been lying for so long, who would know?" Because of this casual comment about her age and about the collective societal pressure to lie about our age she received an avalanche of thanks and support from other women facing age discrimination. This caused her to realize the far reaching dimensions of age oppression.

In her inspiring essay, Doing Sixty and Seventy, Steinem shares her views on age stereotyping, the unexpected liberation that comes with growing older, and defines what she perceives as the fact that women become more radical as they age. The essay also sheds light on the forces that shaped her life and for readers who have only heard bits and pieces about her the essay offers a primer on her bold and logical theories.

Elders Academy Press is proud to publish Ms. Steinem's enlightening and thought-provoking essay — thus allowing it to appear for the first time as an independent volume.

Read more about Doing Sixty and Seventy and author Gloria Steinem here.

This book and all Elders Academy Press books are currently available 4 for the price of 3 during our Celebrate Eldership! book offer.

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Doing Sixty and Seventy, hardcover edition $19.95*, plus shipping & handling

Doing Sixty and Seventy, softcover edition $13.95*, plus shipping & handling

*During the Celebrate Eldership! book offer the price is 25% off if purchased with 3 other books from Elders Academy Press!

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Celebrate Eldership! with Elders Academy Press Book Offer: Buy 3 get 4th book free

[Reprinted with permission from:AgeSongToday 04/19/2013 by agesong]